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Seeds That Kill Cancer – Sleep, Sight and More Issues Are Positively Affected Too!

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Nuts and seeds make up part of a healthy and balanced diet. Pumpkin seeds, also called pepitas, boost your intake of several essential nutrients.

While both raw and roasted pumpkin seeds offer health benefits, raw organic pumpkin seeds (we recommend this) offer more nutritional value because some nutrients are destroyed during the roasting process.

Raw pumpkin seeds provide a rich source of fiber, a type of carbohydrate that prevents constipation and benefits digestive health. The seeds also boost your intake of protein — each ounce of seeds provides almost 9 grams of the nutrient. You also increase your mineral intake when you eat pepitas.

The seeds contain iron, a mineral essential to red blood cell function, as well as potassium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium. Because roasting does not destroy fiber, protein, and minerals, these nutrients are found in roughly equal amounts in both raw and roasted pumpkin seeds.


Those seeds contain tryptophan which is an amino acid used for chronic insomnia, and the body uses it as melatonin the hormone for sleeping.

In the Nutritional Neuroscience study publication, was said that the tryptophan of gourd seeds and the carbs too is the same as insomnia meds. Have a handful or just a few seeds before sleeping at night, a bit of carbs and fruits too. This generates more melatonin.


These seeds are rich in zinc that is vital for healthy immunity. Also, it helps you have better vision, sleep, mood, and skin. Also, the seeds have fibers, manganese, phosphor, proteins, and potassium. So, these seeds also aid in weight loss and have proteins too, so you feel satiated. In 30 g of seeds you get 5 g protein.


In a Spanish study was said that the pumpkin seeds have some items that kill cancer. They have compounds that destroy the cancer cells and also prevent some other types of cancer and inflammation.

In a German Study was said that women that go through menopause must eat this every day and have 23% fewer chances of breast cancer.


We need this mineral for almost anything, muscles contraction, fluid balance, minerals and hypertension, also recurring kidney stones, bone loss and more.

The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science said adult people need 4.700 mg potassium daily, so consider the seeds – in 1 cup they have 588 g minerals! And compare it with banana, that has less, 422 mg!


Studies showed that the oil of this seed and the seeds both are great for prostate health and benign prostatic hyperplasia (large prostate). Magazines for prevention said that items like phytosterols can actually shrink the prostate.

Also, they have chemicals that change the testosterone to dilhydrotestosterone (the one factor for enlarged prostate).


The zinc content in pumpkin seeds helps prevent the body from converting too much testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by aiding in the production of more testosterone.

Though DHT is necessary at appropriate levels for good health, a lack of regular testosterone, which is often preempted by a lack of proper zinc intake, can lead to too much DHT being produced. The result is premature balding and an enlarged prostate, which can potentially lead to prostate cancer later in life.


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